We have the power to see our world through different lenses. We can dwell on the imperfections or celebrate the beauty in our lives.
Imagine saying, "Apple Watch, prepare me for the uphill battle, with my hair styled and minimal rest." It's in these moments, when surrender seems tempting, that you are undertaking the most challenging endeavor of your life. This sensation can arise from a monumental crisis or a series of minor setbacks. Sleepless nights come whether you're caring for a newborn or worrying about your grown child. The most demanding aspects of motherhood rarely coincide with restful nights. At work, just when you are striving to excel, unforeseen complications can emerge, triggering a narrative of failure.
"I am a failure."
"Something has to change."
"I cannot continue like this."
This is heartbreak in a new form. Although you've fortified your heart over the years, this resilient armor appears to be dissolving.
Reflect on a recent event that triggered a narrative of failure.
What storyline did it awaken within you?
How does your inner dialogue respond?
Are you sleeping well?
Do you feel the urge to fight or retreat?
When have you felt this way before? Can you recall the first time?
This pattern repeats throughout our lives. Though the nature of our challenges changes, they stir narratives of unworthiness. It's like a spotlight illuminating the most vulnerable parts of our psyche, revealing where we feel undeserving. We often scapegoat these aspects to rationalize why we face challenges again. Recognize that healing this is your responsibility. This isn't solely about difficulties with your children or work. You possess the resources to confront and resolve those issues. Your responsibility lies in healing these narratives to free yourself from their grip and prevent them from passing through generations. Heal for your well-being and for the sake of your children.
Feeling like a failure reflects the tender spots within us being exposed. Retreating or hiding from challenges is a natural response. When our children, whether infants or adults, become the challenge, the sense of failure can overwhelm us.
Begin your healing journey now. These tools will serve you throughout life. Healing isn't linear, but with time, the spiral tightens. As you encounter this in the future, your response will quicken, and you'll spend less time wanting to quit. Ultimately, you will welcome this feeling as an old friend, recognizing that it simply needs a touch of love and understanding.
Inhale deeply, then release with an audible exhale. Close your eyes and delve into your inner self. Ask, "What must I hear to feel safe?"